You can use the Booking feature to book all sorts of things: guest rooms, conference rooms, parking spots and a wide range of items like projectors or ladders. Property management defines what can be booked. That means if you have an idea of something you’d like to be able to book, send them a message. Maybe they can make your wish come true.
The 'Filter' function allows to conveniently search for bookable objects or rooms. It also enables to limit categories and to check the availability of an object or room directly by filtering by date.
The booking process
The booking process is extremely easy. Step one is to select the asset you want to book and then how long you want to book it. Complete the booking process by clicking on 'Book this timeframe'.
You can use the filter function to conveniently search for bookable objects. It is also possible to limit categories and check the availability of objects directly via the date.
Booking for someone else
You also have the option of booking something for somebody else. To do that, select 'Book for someone else'. Then enter the e-mail address, name and phone number of the person for whom you are creating the booking. Complete the booking process by clicking on 'Book this timeframe'.
Correcting/canceling a booking
Please go to 'My bookings' to make sure that you selected the timeframe and asset you wanted. If you notice a mistake in your booking, simply click on 'Request cancellation' or 'Cancel this booking'. Your property manager will cancel your booking and you can re-book the asset for the correct timeframe.
Booking confirmation
You’ll receive a confirmation of your booking once you complete the booking process. This
confirmation will also contain a file that you can use to add the details of your booking
straight to your calendar. Simply click on 'Add to calendar' to download an .ics file, which
you can then incorporate into your digital calendar. That makes adding the date to your
calendar easy - in just a few clicks!
Plus, you receive e-mail confirmation for each booking. This e-mail also contains an attached .ics file. E-mails with appointments frequently have an attached .ics file, which lets you add those appointments to your calendar directly through your e-mail program. If it hasn’t been added yet, download the .ics file and import it into your calendar manually. You’ll find an explanation of how this works below using Google Calendar and Outlook as examples.
Google Calendar
- Open Google Calendar
- Click on 'Settings' in the upper right corner
- Then click on 'Import & Export'
- Select the file on your computer, making sure that it ends in '.ics' or '.csv'
- Select the calendar to which you want to import the appointment
- Click 'Import'
Outlook Calendar
- Open Outlook Calendar
- Click 'File' and then 'Open & Export'
- Press the 'Import/Export' button to go to the Import and Export Wizard
- Then click on 'Import an iCalendar (.ics) or vCalendar (.vcs) file'
- Select the corresponding file on your computer
- Click 'Import'
Please keep in mind that some bookings first have to be approved by property management.