What is the pinboard?
Through the pinboard, you can reach your neighborhood or your local team.
Creating a pinboard post is quick:
Click on "What would you like to say" and write your post.
Optionally, add an image to complement your post.
Your post is now created!
Set visibility
You have the option to define the visibility of your post, allowing you to specify which users can see it. Click on the eye icon below your post. The visibility categories you can select are determined by your property management. There are two common categories:
Only to my address: Selecting this option makes the post visible exclusively to tenants of your specific residential building, typically those sharing the same entrance.
In my vicinity: Selecting this option publishes the post across your entire property or app, meaning all houses or apartments within the residential complex or estate managed under the same administration.
Additional visibilities: Your management may define further visibility options available to you.
This ensures your posts reach the intended audience.
Edit or delete posts
To edit your pinboard post, go to the post and click on the three dots in the top right corner. You can then edit your post, correct a typo, or add an image. Alternatively, you can choose the "Delete" option to remove your post from the pinboard.
Comment and like
You can like and comment on pinboard posts—unless this function was disabled when the post was created. Simply click the respective buttons. Once you submit a comment, you cannot edit or delete it afterward.
Community guidelines
Please remember to always adhere to the Community Guidelines you agreed to as part of our terms of use. Ensure your content is communicated in a friendly and constructive manner. For questions or suggestions regarding your apartment, please communicate directly with your property manager through the Service Point rather than the pinboard. Due to your acceptance of our terms of use, we reserve the right to delete inappropriate content from the pinboard if it violates our community guidelines. If you'd like to review our community guidelines, you can do so here.
Report posts
If you notice a post violating our community guidelines, you can report it by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner, allowing your property management to respond promptly. Detailed instructions can be found here.
Block user posts
If you prefer not to see posts from certain neighbors, you can block their posts by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner. All posts from that user will then be hidden from your view.