Sharing is the perfect place to lend things within your community that you don’t need right now or don’t need very often.
Placing an ad
Click on the plus sign at the top of the app’s main menu and select 'Lend something' or 'Offer help'.
If you’re on your smartphone, you’ll find the plus sign in the lower right-hand corner.
This will open a window where you can enter all the important information like the item’s name, description and price. If possible, also upload a picture so that people can get a better impression of just what the item is like. Click on 'Done' and voilá, you’ve just posted your item as something you want to lend.
Please note: The offer will be automatically deactivated after 30 days if you do not update it within this period.
Mutual trust and respect for other people’s property are essential for the Sharing feature to work. After all, for somebody to want to repeat the experience, they have to be able to get their things back on time and in one piece. With that in mind, here’s another quick rundown of the fair play rules for Sharing:
- Anybody who wants to borrow something clicks on the item in Sharing and sends a request to the lender.
- The following details are agreed between the lender and the borrower:
- When and where will the item be handed over?
- Should a deposit be paid?
- When and where will the item be handed back?
- Sharing is caring - from a different perspective. If an item is damaged while on loan, the borrower is responsible for rectifying the damage. This is generally covered by the borrower’s private liability insurance.
Therefore, always check whether the item is complete and functional at both handovers.
Have fun sharing!