Paketbox from Schweizer makes it possible to store postal packages for a tenant. As soon as a shipment is received in the Paketbox, the tenant receives an email notification. Using a PIN, the tenant can then fetch the package from the storage installation.
The tenant also has the option of preparing a package for pickup, a function known as pick@home. The package can be picked up by the postal service or by a neighbor.
How to set up the Swiss parcel box:
1. Create the tenants in the parcel box.
The property manager or Schweizer himself creates the apartments on the parcel box and deposits the desired persons for each apartment. This process must currently always take place on the box.
2. Login code
A login code is now stored for each tenant. The tenant must enter this code when logging in for the first time and use it to authenticate himself. For later use, the code is no longer necessary.
3. PIN
To be able to use the box, a tenant must define his or her desired PIN in the app.
Also feel free to contact Ernst Schweizer AG for further questions around the integration.