We’ve compiled a few helpful tips for you in this article.
When do I use which status
This can be a bit tricky at times, but we have Help Center articles ready to help you navigate both the 'Traffic light system' and the 'Overview of all tickets'. The traffic light system indicates how long ago the ticket was last handled. The handling status shows you where the ticket is currently being handled or where a response might still be needed. Please keep in mind: If you forward the ticket to an external provider, it will be submitted as 'Waiting'. The ticket is only marked 'Closed' if the request or problem has been resolved.
Adjust the category and subject of tickets
Via the platform settings in the Service Center area of the micro apps, you can already create categories as well as structured categories in advance to keep a better overview of your tickets. If a category or the subject of an already existing ticket seems inappropriate or not very meaningful, these can also be adjusted manually afterwards.
First response and assigning tickets
Of course, if you receive a new request or inquiry, it would be great for the person who contacted you if he/she received a response from their property manager as quickly as possible. Even if it’s only to thank them for contacting you and tell them that it could take you a few days to process their request/inquiry. Regardless of that, we recommend assigning an internal agent within the first 24 hours after receiving the request/inquiry.
Customer feedback
Feedback is always a good idea and not only can it help improve processes and working methods, but it can also be a good way to receive some praise for the work you do. Once the customer’s request/inquiry has been handled in full, please ask the customer to provide you with some feedback on the services you provided. Then close the ticket. If the customer doesn’t answer, you can still decide to close the ticket after 14 days.
Internal comments
Use the 'Internal comment' feature to exchange information with coworkers. That way you have the entire conversation relating to a ticket in one place.