Via the 'micro apps' tab and the selection of the service center, you have the option of creating structured ticket categories. This offers you the advantage of being able to specifically request important information in advance, thus further accelerating the process of handling tenant concerns.
To do this, create a new service center category and then check the box 'This is a structured ticket category'.
With the help of a JSON schema, you can structure the corresponding ticket category.
For a detailed introduction to creating structured ticket categories, feel free to watch our video tutorial:
You can find examples of structured tickets below. You can copy these and paste them under 'Translation'. Alternativeley you can create individual categorizations. You can see a preview of the structured category on the right side. To save the structured category and publish it to the app, click on 'Save Json' and click on the crossed-out eye.
Damage in the apartment (Preview structured ticket):
Damage in the apartment (JSON schema):
"en_US": "Damage in the apartment",
"en_US.fields.fieldOne": "Where is the damage located?",
"en_US.fields.fieldTwo": "What is defective/damaged?",
"de_DE": "Schaden Wohnung",
"de_DE.fields.fieldOne": "Wo befindet sich der Schaden?",
"de_DE.fields.fieldTwo": "Was ist defekt/beschädigt?",
"fr_FR": "Dommage appartement",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldOne": "Où sont les dégâts?",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldTwo": "Qu'est-ce qui est défectueux/endommagé?",
"it_IT": "Danno appartamento",
"it_IT.fields.fieldOne": "Dov'è il danno?",
"it_IT.fields.fieldTwo": "Cosa è difettoso/danneggiato?"
Device defect (Preview structured ticket):
Device defect (JSON schema):
"en_US": "Device defect",
"en_US.fields.fieldOne": "Which device is defective?",
"en_US.fields.fieldTwo": "What is the manufacturer's brand of the device?",
"en_US.fields.fieldThree": "What is the serial number of the device?",
"de_DE": "Gerätedefekt",
"de_DE.fields.fieldOne": "Welches Gerät ist defekt?",
"de_DE.fields.fieldTwo": "Welche Herstellermarke hat das Gerät?",
"de_DE.fields.fieldThree": "Welche Seriennummer hat das Gerät?",
"fr_FR": "Défaut de l'appareil",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldOne": "Quel appareil est défectueux?",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldTwo": "Quelle est la marque du fabricant de l'appareil?",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldThree": "Quel est le numéro de série de l'appareil?",
"it_IT": "Difetto del dispositivo",
"it_IT.fields.fieldOne": "Quale dispositivo è difettoso?",
"it_IT.fields.fieldTwo": "Qual è la marca del produttore del dispositivo?",
"it_IT.fields.fieldThree": "Qual è il numero di serie del dispositivo?"
General damage (Preview structured ticket):
General damage (JSON schema):
"en_US": "General damage",
"en_US.fields.fieldOne": "Where is the damage located?",
"en_US.fields.fieldTwo": "What is defective/damaged?",
"de_DE": "Schaden Allgemein",
"de_DE.fields.fieldOne": "Wo befindet sich der Schaden?",
"de_DE.fields.fieldTwo": "Was ist defekt/beschädigt?",
"fr_FR": "Dommages généraux",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldOne": "Où sont les dégâts?",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldTwo": "Qu'est-ce qui est défectueux/endommagé?",
"it_IT": "Danno generale",
"it_IT.fields.fieldOne": "Dov'è il danno?",
"it_IT.fields.fieldTwo": "Cosa è difettoso/danneggiato?"
Order a key (Preview structured ticket):
Order a key (JSON schema):
"en_US": "Order a key",
"en_US.description": "(If keys are lost, the corresponding locks will be replaced when you move out. The costs will be charged to you)",
"en_US.fields.fieldOne": "Which key would you like to order? (e.g. flat, letterbox, ...)",
"en_US.fields.fieldTwo": "I will pay the costs. (Yes / No)",
"en_US.fields.fieldThree": "Please insert manufacturer name and all information about the existing key here.",
"de_DE": "Schlüssel bestellen",
"de_DE.description": "(Bei Schlüsselverlust werden die entsprechenden Schlösser beim Auszug ausgetauscht. Die Kosten werden Ihnen belastet)",
"de_DE.fields.fieldOne": "Welchen Schlüssel möchten Sie bestellen? (z. B. Wohnung, Briefkasten, ...)",
"de_DE.fields.fieldTwo": "Ich werde die Kosten übernehmen. (Ja / Nein)",
"de_DE.fields.fieldThree": "Bitte fügen Sie hier Herstellername und alle Informationen des bestehenden Schlüssels ein.",
"fr_FR": "Clé de commande",
"fr_FR.description": "(En cas de perte des clés, les serrures correspondantes seront remplacées lors de votre déménagement. Les coûts vous seront facturés)",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldOne": "Quelle clé souhaitez-vous commander ? ( ex. appartement, boîte aux lettres, ...)",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldTwo": "Je paierai les frais. (Oui / Non)",
"fr_FR.fields.fieldThree": "Veuillez insérer ici le nom du fabricant et toutes les informations relatives à la clé existante.",
"it_IT": "Chiave d'ordine",
"it_IT.description": "(Se le chiavi vengono perse, le serrature corrispondenti saranno sostituite al momento del trasloco. I costi vi saranno addebitati)",
"it_IT.fields.fieldOne": "Quale chiave vorresti ordinare? (es. appartamento, cassetta delle lettere, ...)",
"it_IT.fields.fieldTwo": "Pagherò le spese. (Sì / No)",
"it_IT.fields.fieldThree": "Si prega di inserire qui il nome del produttore e tutte le informazioni della chiave esistente."
Now when your tenants create a ticket using this structured category, they will be asked to provide additional information. So far, structured tickets can only be created via the tenant app. At the moment, it is not yet possible to create a structured ticket directly in the service center of the cockpit. We are working at full speed to provide you with this option as well in the near future.
Please note: To use the feature, you need App Admin as well as Service Center permissions.
Currently, we only offer this function in connection with JSON, which is why basic knowledge of this is assumed. If you have any questions regarding the creation or JSON, please do not hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager.