You can assign your employees directly the permission of a Company Admin, when inviting them to the app. To do this, simply tick the box 'Grant company admin permission' when inviting them.
As soon as the invitation has been accepted and an account has been created, the employee immediately has the permission of a Company Admin and can log into the Cockpit.
In addition, it is also possible to generate an activation code via the 'Settings' tab in the tenant company, which you can provide to your employees. Here you can select whether the activation code should be created for Company Admins. Thus, the corresponding employees automatically receive further authorizations during registration.
Assign or remove already registered or invited employees as Company Admin
Alternatively, you can assign the Company Admin permission to already registered or invited employees by clicking on the three dots to the right of their name and then on 'Give company admin permission'. The 'Permissions' column gives you an overview of whether the respective person has already been assigned as Company Admin. If you want to revoke the Company Admin permission of a registered or invited employee, you can also do this via the three dots next to the name. To do this, simply click on 'Revoke company admin permission'.