Creating categories
If you offer various products, it is advisable to display them in different product categories to improve clarity. Examples of product categories include:
- Cleaning
- Troubleshooting
- Catering
- Laundry service
- Vacation service
- Moving service
Standard product queries
For each of your products and services, you can add custom queries. We use the app G-Variants: Product Options for this purpose.
Steps to create queries:
- Create the products as usual.
- In your Shopify admin area, open the app G-Variants: Product Options under "Apps".
- Go to "Option Sets" to create query forms based on product categories.
- Click the green "Create option set" button.
- Add various elements such as date & time, free text, radio buttons, etc.
- Under "Products", select the relevant products to which the queries should be linked.
- Save the settings. The query form is now added to your products.
Product details
Products can be displayed in different ways, and there are various product types.
For detailed information on how to display and set up your products, visit the Shopify Help Center.
By following these steps, you can optimally organize your products, set up queries, and highlight relevant details.