For the property management
- FAQ | Web application not being displayed
- FAQ | Terms of use Allthings Cockpit
- FAQ | Which file types can I upload to Cockpit?
- FAQ | Identified as a robot by Google reCAPTCHA
- FAQ | Using the right web browser
- FAQ | Why is the website not properly displayed?
App launch
Get started!
Best practice
Gapless tenant communication
Profile settings
- How you can find your profile settings
- Change your password
- Change the language
- Disable daily summaries of your tickets
- Notifications about new tickets
- Enter your absence
- What is the Service-Center?
- The mobile service center
- Omnichannel | E-mail-to-ticket
- Ticket creation
- Overview of all tickets
- How to create service center categories
Communication center
- Communication center | Convert pinboard posts into tickets
- Communication center | Which topics should my posts address?
- Communication center | How can I create a new post?
- Communication center | define a post’s visibility?
- Communication center | How can I create a post in multiple languages?
- Communication center | How can a post be scheduled?
Tenant Management
- Tenant Management | Invite app users and manage utilization and ownership periods
- Tenant Management | Overview of functions
- Tenant Management | What’s the best way to invite residential users?
- Tenant Management | What’s the best way to invite commercial users?
- Tenant Management | Invitations and Invitation Reminders via Tenant Management
- Tenant Management | How can I invite a tenant to join the app?
Info article
- Info articles | How can info articles help reduce your tenant inquiry workload?
- Info articles | Using info articles correctly
- Info articles | How to create an info article
- Info articles | What is an Article Agent’s job?
- Info articles | Set visibility
- Info articles | Style guide
- Bookings | How do I add files to a bookable object?
- How will I be informed about new booking or cancellation requests?
- How can I add a new asset?
- How can I set the visibility of a bookable asset?
- How can I create a bookable asset in multiple languages?
- What can I see in the overview?
Master data
- First steps | Importing master data
- Master data | App without master data
- Exporting Master Data as CSV file
- Your master data at a glance
- Create, edit or delete Master Data
- How can I enter a utilization period?
Managing tenant companies
Partner integrations
- "SchlaueBox" parcel box
- ABB-free@home
- Batmaid
- Blockstrom
- BoxUp | Sport and leisure material
- How to reach the Support for Shopify
- Concierge - The Digital Assistant for Your Tenants
- Products | How to create a product?
- Products | Which product types are available?
- Products | Product variants
- Subscriptions | Creating a subscription product
- Companies | The company view
- Companies | Service providers
- Companies | Create, manage and assign person responsible
- Companies | Canned responses
- Team management | What is team management?
- Team management | How can you create a new employee?