We’d like to make your first steps as easy as possible and have put together a small guide to help. Have fun exploring your app!
PC or smartphone
You can use the web app on a variety of different devices, either through a web browser on your PC or through your smartphone.
Step by step
Join us as we walk you through your first steps in the app:
On the home page in your app, you can see at a glance what has happened since you last logged in and which pages you last visited. For example, the micro apps you use most often, your bookings, and new pinboard posts are displayed. A number on the bell icon symbolizes how many new notifications you have. If you scroll down further on the home page, you get directly to the pinboard.
The icon with squares shows you all available micro apps.
The gear icon will take you directly to your app settings. Let your community know who the person is behind your name and upload a profile pic of yourself. The settings also give you the option to introduce yourself to the people in your neighborhood and tell a little about yourself. Check here to find out which other profile settings you can change.
My Neighbors
Are you curious about the other people in your community? Then go to My Neighbors to activate your profile. Others are certain to follow suit. Use My Neighbors to contact and get to know one other.
Once you’ve configured all the initial settings, then it’s time for your first Pinboard post to let everybody know you’re there.
Do you have things that are just collecting dust at home or in the office? Use the Marketplace to sell any items you no longer need while also putting a smile on somebody else’s face.
A drill, projector or picnic table - things you need but don’t always have at hand (in sufficient quantity). Do you have anything like that? The Sharing feature offers you an opportunity to lend items like these to your community. Sharing is caring. Life gets a bit simpler if everybody joins in.
Service Point
You have lost your key or need a repair in your apartment? Simply write a ticket with your request directly to your property management at the Service Point.
Would you like to learn more about your micro apps? Here you can read in detail about the functions that come with the various Micro apps.
Community rules
Finally, take a brief moment and read our rules to help ensure that interactions within the community remain respectful and friendly.