What are Info article categories?
Info articles can be published within different categories. The separation into categories provides a better overview of the various topics that are intended to provide your tenants with information. You can simply select an Info article category when creating an Info article after you have selected the visibility.
Manage info article categories
If no categories have been preset or if the preset categories are not sufficient for you, you can also add new categories and edit existing ones yourself. We will explain how to do this below:
- Go to Allthings Compass.
- Open the platform settings and select the app you want to edit.
- Open the micro-apps settings.
- Open the micro app information.
Add categories
- You can create info article categories via the "Micro-apps" tab in the platform settings and by selecting the "Information" micro-app. To add a new category, simply click in the "Type to add new category" field and enter the name of the new category. Press Enter (↩) to confirm the entry.
- You can then adjust the translations of the category name.
- To ensure that the category is also displayed when creating info articles, select the "Visibility icon" on the right-hand side of the category. The category is then visible.
Manage and delete categories
Once you have created a category, you can edit it at any time.
- You can customize the name of the category in the different languages of the app.
- You can restrict the visibility of the category by selecting the "Visibility icon" again. If Info articles have already been published in this category, the category and the Info articles it contains will remain visible to the app user. However, the category can no longer be selected when creating a new info article.
- If you want to permanently delete a category, click on the "Delete icon". It is not possible to delete a category as long as Info articles are channeled to it. If you wish to delete a category anyway, reselect the category for the related Info articles or simply delete them.